
E-learning – Tutor&OLT


The growth of student numbers means that teaching using standard microscopes is coming under strain. Imagine creating a course where your entire slide set is on-line where they can be viewed by your students at any time from the university, hospital, at home or anywhere in the world.



PathXL has extensive experience in developing and delivering virtual slide based education and training materials.

PathXL also has the most powerful virtual slide educational management system for creating and viewing course materials and managing students, trainees or residents.

PathXL® Tutor

PathXL® Tutor provides you with all of the tools required to author and build an on-line virtual microscopy course.

Whether you are teaching a small course, or are planning to implement a solution across an entire institution for all microscopy-based training, PathXL® Tutor will help you fast track development and delivery of your course.


PathXL OLT is an intuitive test/examination generation application which supports the creation of tests to fit within any environment.

Whether you are setting up informal quizzes for in class testing or formal examinations which require lock-down location access, PathXL OLT is configurable by an instructor in minutes.


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